

通过紧密的师资力量, 工作人员, 以及学生在住宅社区内的互动, 皇冠体育大学 seeks to produce graduates who possess a depth and breadth of knowledge and the agility of mind to make connections within and across disciplines; The capacity to find, 识别, and pursue their intellectual passions; and a commitment to employ their knowledge and skills as leaders, 学者, 艺术家, 公民, 和自然环境的守护者——以对人类的信任承担他们增加的财富.


认识到教育的深刻的个人性质, 以及人类知识的多样性, 我们已经设计了我们的学习要求的广度,而不是集中在共同的内容, 而是要让学生接触到多种认识的方式,并通过相互交流提供扩大他们智力体验的手段.

完成通识教育要求后, 皇冠体育 students should be able to engage the work and ideas of others; to articulate nuanced, 反思的位置,并以持续的方式呈现, persuasive manner to a specific imagined audience (Critical Inquiry Seminar); and to communicate in a language other than 英语 with basic proficiency in reading, 写作, 和口语(外语).  学生们会分析, 创建, 或者表演人类想象的作品, 批判检验形式, style, 内容, and meaning; studied the organization of societies and the factors that motivate the actions of human beings, as individuals and as creators of communities and institutions; investigated the diversity of human experience, 认为, and values over time and across cultures and societies; applied scientific ideas and methods to understand the natural world and its inhabitants; and used quantitative analysis or deductive reasoning as tools for problem solving and creating knowledge (Breadth of Study).  除了, 学生应该体验体育活动并理解它与健康和幸福的关系(体育).
