国际 & 国内项目DACA和无证学生



Undocumented and DACAmented students who wish to participate in a domestic program should contact the IDPO early in the semester preceding the program. 学生可以在美国旅行.S. 带着驾照, 国家身份证, 护照, 或者运输方式接受的其他单证. If you wish to have additional documentation from 皇冠体育大学 supporting your travel, IDPO可以提供一封信.


学生 who are DACA recipients may be able to study abroad with 提前假释这个过程还需要一些额外的步骤, and we encourage students with DACA to meet with a study abroad advisor as early as possible.

每个个人和家庭的移民历史都是独一无二的, and students are strongly encouraged to consult with an immigration attorney and their families prior to deciding whether or not to apply to study abroad. 的re is significant risk involved in leaving the country, even with the 提前假释 document. 皇冠体育学院的学生可以联系 sagehensprobono@gmail.com to connect with 皇冠体育’s Pro Bono Immigration 法律 Resource Network.


Advance parole is a travel document authorizing temporary parole of an individual into the U.S. 的re are three types of travel allowable for DACAmented students under 提前假释, 其中之一是“教育目的”, 比如学期海外项目或学术研究.” 学生 must apply for and receive the 提前假释 travel document prior to leaving the U.S.

从国外留学归来时, a student with DACA presents the 提前假释 document to the airline at check-in as authorization for entry into the U.S.,代替签证. 抵达美国后.S., the student presents the 提前假释 document (along with the 护照 and DACA card) to the border agent at customs and immigration. 然后,边检人员可能会允许学生进入美国.S.


被更改国籍的学生可以申请提前假释,并提交一份 表格i - 131, 应用程序 for Travel Document, and paying the application fee ($575) to U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS). 根据我们的经验, the processing time of an 提前假释 application is estimated at about three to six months but may take longer. Give yourself extra time for the application in case of delays (we recommend at least six months). 你不应该离开美国.S. without an 提前假释 document that is valid through the entire semester abroad.

的 I-131表格说明 对提前假释有清晰全面的了解吗. We recommend reading the information carefully to help determine the risk involved and discussing with your family and an immigration lawyer.

Note: If you need financial assistance for the 提前假释 application fee, you can contact the Dean of 学生 and complete the 紧急 Funding Form on the Dean of 学生 Office page in 参与.

Recommended 国际项目 Timeline for DACAmented学生s

这个过程还需要一些额外的步骤, and we encourage students with DACA to meet with an international programs advisor as early as possible. 我们鼓励学生遵循以下时间表:


  • 与国际项目顾问会面
  • 与你的家人和移民律师讨论你的计划
  • 开始研究和选择你的项目


  • Renew your DACA (if applicable – DACA must remain valid through the end of your program plus 120-150 days afterwards)
  • Renew your 护照 (if expiring within six months after the end of your program)
  • 申请你的留学项目
  • 收集提前假释申请文件


  • 申请提前假释


  • 申请签证(如有需要)
  • 完成项目出发前的要求
  • 在皇冠体育的航班预订指南内预订航班


  • Gather all documentation required for travel to confirm you have what you need and to provide time to address any processing delays (e.g., 护照, visa, 提前假释 document, DACA card, program acceptance letter, etc.)



重要的是要注意你的DACA何时到期. Your DACA must be valid during your entire stay abroad and through the date you re-enter the U.S. USCIS建议提交一份 更新请求 在你的DACA到期前120到150天. You may not file for 提前假释 and DACA renewal at the same time.


Your 护照 must be valid before, during, and for six months after your time abroad. 如果您需要申请或更新护照, please begin this process six months before your planned departure to allow enough time for 护照 and visa (if necessary) processing.

在你选择的国家学习需要签证吗? 你能在美国境内申请这个国家的签证吗?

It is important to check if you will need a visa for your destination country. 这取决于你的护照来自哪个国家. 更重要的是, 你应该确定是否需要签证, 你可以在美国境内申请.S. To find out visa requirements, visit the country’s Embassy/Consulate website. If you do not find the information that you need on the website, try emailing them or calling them. Embassies’/Consulates' contact info can be found on their website.  Your program staff can also provide information and help guide you through this process. 皇冠体育大学 students with DACA have successfully studied abroad in Brazil, 厄瓜多尔, 德国, 匈牙利, 日本, 摩洛哥, 韩国, 和英国.

Note: Keep in mind that semester study abroad programs are longer than 90 days. Additionally, some countries require a special visa for students, even if tourists do not need one.


No. Leaving the country as a student under DACA with 提前假释 does not guarantee that you will be able to re-enter the U.S. 你仍然受美国法律的约束.S. Customs and Border Protection inspection process at the port of entry. Several 皇冠体育 students have successfully returned from study abroad with 提前假释, 但请记住,离开是有风险的. We strongly encourage you to talk with a lawyer for specific advice regarding your family’s immigration history and the impact it may have on your 提前假释 application and a request to re-enter the U.S. 留学后. 请参阅 无证学生资源 page to contact the Sagehen Pro Bono immigration legal resources network.

Note: Re-entry with 提前假释 does not mean being “admitted” to the U.S. In simple terms, the immigration officer temporarily “paroles” you into the U.S.